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(1 edit)

I have yet to dive into this resource, but I must mention how incredible Kyle is: I reached out for an educator's discount for a few of his works after hearing about them on his YouTube channel (I run an after-school TTRPG group for some students). Instead of a discount, he sent me free copies of two separate materials. Considering how much hard work has gone into these pieces, I am incredibly grateful for his generosity. This is why I love independent creators and the community to which they've contributed. Thank you Kyle!

Waiting on a physical copies - will those get reprinted or be available soon? Etsy store has been temp. closed awhile.


Any chance of community copies for the ones who cant afford it? (me lol)


I will probably do some community copies after it's been out for a year.  In the meantime, you are welcome to watch the video where I explain the method and show a thorough example how it works!


Absolutely lovely is what this is! everyone has a collection they'd like to put to more use, it's just what you need :D


Thank you so much, Morphs!!

If i buy on etsy do i get a pdf?

You will!  We will ship a download code with it!


Bought this just now, it looks great.  One tiny thing -- in the second Obsessions table: '12. tales of daring-do'. That should be 'derring-do', not 'daring-do'.

I don't need to type it often but I've made the same mistake before, and I always have to look it up to make sure I got it right.


HA!  Well, I'll be...  Thanks for the heads up!